Do you need a social worker to receive services from MCRI?
Once MCRI is approached to provide services, the person and/or family has the choice of purchasing privately, and/or requesting funding from the Department of Social Development. Only when going through Social Development must the person have a Social Worker make a request for MCRI services.
Does MCRI provide financial assistance for those who need it?
No, we help people get access to programs that provide funding. We are partnered with the Safe Living Project that provides necessities of life to our members.
How do I apply for MCRI services?
Contact Andrea Best at (506) 874-7014 or come into MCRI office to fill out our application form. We can send you an application through fax, email, or mail.
Do you have to be a member of MCRI to attend Club Shades?
How much is a Club Shades membership? Who do I contact to become a member?
Yearly membership fee for MCRI members is $30.00, and $35.00 for non-MCRI members. Contact Stephanie Haynes at (506) 859-1828 if you would like to purchase a membership.
What kinds of background checks do you need to become an employee, or an Alternative Family Living Arrangement provider?
MCRI requires all of our employees and AFLA providers to pass a criminal record check and a prior contact from Social Development.
Does MCRI only provide support for adults?
No. We provide supports for all ages.
What are some benefits of services by non-profit operators?
There is an obligation to reinvest surplus dollars back into the service, i.e. building upkeep, additional training, continuum of care, backup systems in place to address service breakdowns/staff turnover, etc. Non-profit organizations typically prefer to support smaller groups (4-8 people).
Are their quality controls in place for the AFLA and SILP Programs?
Like Level 2, 3 and 4 homes, AFLA placements are required to implement government care standards and the SILP Program is required to carry out the specific services funded by Social Development.