Located in Moncton, NB, Canada, MCRI is a non-profit organization that provides residential options and support for individuals with developmental challenges in the various aspects of their progressing lives.
I never thought I would be a care giver in my home, but here I am, 15 years later and very fortunate to be working with MCRI. The MCRI staff have treated me royally.I thank them for slowly introducing me to my responsibilities. They gave me the support I needed to support someone else. My job with MCRI, as a caregiver, has been wonderful, very fulfilling and meaningful.I hope to continue working for MCRI, for many years to come, as many of your caregivers have done.
The staff at MCRI are always there when you need them. They are always willing to listen when you need someone to talk to. Overall, I am very satisfied with my experience with MCRI.
I love the company. When I entered the program, I didn’t know many life skills that I should have known. I’ve had gambling problems and have straightened myself out due to help from the program. My counsellor has taught me so much about how to properly live my life and it’s the best move I have ever made.
I have enjoyed my experience with MCRI. The staff that work with me take me throughout the community and I really enjoy that time. Everyone in the company has been so friendly towards me.
I have enjoyed my experience with MCRI because it supports me with my day to day life with my disability. I would recommend their services to anybody who feels that they would like to make a positive change to their life.
I have been with MCRI since the year 1997. I had trouble in the past going through many different group homes until I arrived at MCRI. They have given me opportunities to become a better version of myself and have given me the chance to live an independent life while still providing me with the compassionate care that I need.